

At CompTIA Tech Career Academy, our goal is to help you land—and succeed in—an IT job. We train students with little-to-no information technology experience and give you the technical and soft skills to launch your career. Although we cannot guarantee placement to our graduates, we will help you connect to the right employers when your training is done. Online learning is available in all classes. Our IT-Ready Technical Support program is accepting students now.

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“The CompTIA Tech staff believed in me. Employers before had told me ‘no’, but here everyone says ‘yes’, you can do this.”
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Career Services

Learn about the CompTIA Difference


to go after their dream careers with our training.

So can you.

IT Student News & Advice

Joe Sikorski
August 3, 2020

Career Switch to IT Paying Off for the Long Term

Ready to find a new career? It can be exciting and scary, but as one of our alumni, Joe Sikorski, shows us, switching to IT for him is paying off in better long-term salary and work/life balance.
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Top 5 Tips for Graduates Ready to Launch their Tech Careers
July 27, 2020


Priyanka Neupane of Medtronic gave our CompTIA Tech students tips on how best to job interview and launch their tech careers.
IT Hiring Is Up
July 20, 2020

Strong IT Jobs Market Is Hiring

It is a good time to find an IT job. While national unemployment exceeds 14 percent, unemployment in the IT sector remains low at just 4.3 percent, indicating that the opportunities for a career in IT are strong.
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Horacio Rodriguez Hernandez
July 13, 2020

From High School Graduate to IT Pro

With college out of reach financially and other jobs not paying enough to help support his family, new high school graduate Horacio Rodriguez Hernandez turned to CompTIA Tech and IT-Ready to launch a well-paying tech career.
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June 30, 2020


Attend one of our information sessions to get to know CompTIA Tech better.
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Hear More News & Advice from CompTIA Tech

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We’re Mission Driven

As a non-profit, we train and certify workers for success in IT jobs to address an industry shortage of skilled IT professionals, a shortage noted by the National Science Foundation. Our sole motivation is to help students land and succeed in IT jobs and grow the tech workforce. Our staff, instructors, classroom and curriculum are focused on you.

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To start your training, we have programs in Chicago and the Twin Cities and on our Online Campus with connections to more than 100 potential employers. More city campuses will be coming soon.

Chicago如何代理上网 Online Campus

Image Title: Students in Minneapolis Classroom Background Image: Students in Minneapolis Classroom